OāDonnel Sunday School: 9:00 am OāDonnel Classroom. These lively adults use the Cokesbury Adult Bible Study curriculum. Facilitated by Lewis LaFon
New Members Methodism Class: Learn more about Grove and Methodism in this four week study facilitated by Pastor Jan. Call church office.
Nursery: Sundays 10 amā11:00 am first level Education Wing. Children birth to 4 years learn, grow and engage in Christian play with trained paid nursery staff .
Genesis Bible Study: Meets monthly for a covered dish and in-depth study of the first book of the Hebrew Bible. Facilitated by Pastor Jan.
Centering Prayer: Thursdays 7:00 pm. This group meets at Grove UMC in the OāDonnel Classroom or Zoom. See Barry Anderson for more information
Online Prayer: Times and days set by group members. Gather online to pray for the needs of one another, community and world. Facilitated by Becky Ritter.
Wednesday Coffee Shop Prayer: Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00 am Arabica CafeĢ and Bakery 1158 East Main Street, Radford. Facilitated by Melvin Robertson.
Grove UMC Book Group. This online Zoom group is taking a summer break and will resume in early September. Contact Terica Fisher for more information.
Grove UMC Choir Rehearsals Wednesday at 7:00 pm through last Wednesday of June (the 26th). Wednesday rehearsals resume at 6:30 pm August 28th. Sunday morning rehearsals at 9:30 am will continue through July and August. The choir will continue to provide anthems throughout the summer months. See Dr. Joe Borden, choir director.
Handbell Choir: Grove UMCās handbell choirs are on summer break. Hand- bells resume in the fall. Interested ringers see Libby Watts, handbell director.
Organist/Pianist: Grove seeks a part-time Organist/Pianist to accompany the choir, play for weekly worship service, and choir rehearsals. The instruments are an Allen digital organ model Renaissance Quantum 405, and a Kawai acoustic grand piano. Job requires Sundays and a rehearsal weekly.
Part-time Pianist: Grove seeks a part-time pianist to accompany the choir, play for weekly worship service, and choir rehearsals.
For either position please submit resume with cover letter to: Grove UMC Attn: SPRC Chair; 1020 Tyler Avenue Radford, VA 24141 or email to Groveumcpastor@gmail.com
Sunday Fellowship and Coffee: Come grab a java in the Fellowship Hall and catch up with Grove family prior to 9 am Sunday School and/or 10 am worship.
Families First: For adults with children birth through high school. This group meets the first Sunday of each month following 10 am worship. Join us as we share in lunch, learning, fellowship, support and wholesome fun! Contact Ila Schepisi
United Methodist Men: This group of men gather each month to share a meal as they fellowship, learn, and grow. These men also engage in various projects in support of Grove Church and community. Join them in the fellowship hall for their next meeting. See Frank Herzog for more information.
United Women in Faith: This lively group of women meet monthly (except during the summer) to share in mission learning and fellowship. Watch for more information or contact Terica Fisher for more information.
Care Team: Offers meals of support to Grove church families experiencing grief and loss. Contact Terica Fisher.
Saturday Meals: Delivers prepared meals to homebound members in Grove community on Saturdays 3:30 pm- ā 5:00 pm. Contact Martee Buchanan.
Community Table: Prepare and serve hot meals on Saturdays, every other month, to be shared with food insecure persons in our community. Contact Tommy and Terica Fisher.
Altar Guild: Gives attention to caring for the sanctuary altar by changing paraments, filling oil in candles, arranging for altar flowers or center pieces, and preparing communion elements. To assist contact church office.
Liturgists: Assist in worship services by leading the congregation in call and response, prayers, and reading of selected Scriptures. Contact church office.
Greeters: Welcome worshippers at entrance to the church, acclimate guests by introducing them to other members, sharing information such as location of coffee hour, Sunday school classes, nursery, and restrooms. Contact Bob Boggess to help with this ministry.
Ushers: Ready the sanctuary for worship; hand out bulletins, seat worshippers; welcome and receive contact information from first time guests; during worship receive offering, following worship take offering to church office; communion Sundays assist congregants during communion. Contact Bob Boggess to help with this ministry.
Sound: Prior to service, ready sound board and microphones. Check microphone batteries and deliver microphones to pastor/worship leaders. Attend sound board during worship to maintain appropriate levels. Assist worshippers with handheld microphones as needed during worship. Following worship collect microphones, secure sound board. Contact Cory Schepisi or church office to learn more.
Acolyte: Light altar candles during prelude, extinguishes candles during postlude. Lead congregation by carrying light into the world at end of service. Contact the church office.
Nursery Disciple/ Rockān Grandparents: Help assist paid nursery staff by ārockingā and mentoring Grove's birth to 4 year olds in the nursery during Sunday worship 9:30ā11:30 am. Contact Lavina LeFew or church office.